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Useful Singularity commands / info

Useful Info for Singularity Containers used in HPCs, specifically in Red Hen Lab, GSoC-21. Singularity Version: 3.5

For Introduction: Watch this video here.

Table of Contents


Requires Singularity downloaded in a Linux OS only. Link for downloading.

Important File Extensions

Important Commands

Most commands are available on the Singularity Documentation.

For starting, also check the Techne Site.

Load Singularity on HPC

$ module load singularity           # load the default version
$ module load singularity/3.5       # load the specific version

Run Singularity shell

It spawns a new shell inside the container and provides interaction with the container bash script:

$ singularity shell /path/to/container.sif          # simply go to the shell
$ singularity shell --nv /path/to/container.sif     # shell with access to GPU

This will load the shell, however the directory will not change to the HOME folder. It will remain in the same directory as it was previously. Go to $HOME using cd / and you will find certain new files/directrories such as singularity script file along with the directory named .singularity.d, which contains all the singularity files such as ./actions/shell, ./actions/run (inside the above directory) which provide the dafault script for corresponding actions.

Note: –nv provides container shell acess to GPU and can be used in any singularity command.

Exec command

The exec command runs the bash script inside the container and has access to all user-accessible files and folders inside it. It can run all commands that are defined inside the container. It is run from outside the .sif file. For example:

$ singularity exec /path/to/container.sif echo "Inside the container"

Run command

This command runs the container script workflow:

$ singularity run /path/to/container.sif
$ ./path/to/container.sif

Build command

Check here

Build from def file:

$ sudo singularity build /path/to/container.sif /path/to/def_file.def

Build from sandbox:

$ sudo singularity build --sandbox /path/to/container.sif /path/to/sandbox_directory

Build a sandox from sif file:

$ sudo singularity build --sandbox /path/to/sandbox_directory /path/to/container.sif

Note that singularity build always occurs as follows:

$ sudo singularity build [Options] <dest> <source>

Another important note: Requires root access and cannot be performed on the HPC.

Other useful info: